TVDSB students compete at Fanshawe College for Skills Ontario Qualifier
On Wednesday, February 21, students from across TVDSB will compete in various skilled trades at Fanshawe College for an opportunity to represent TVDSB at the Ontario Skills Competition in Toronto in May. TVDSB winners will be recognized at a TVDSB Skills Evening at LiUNA on Wednesday, February 28.
The Skills Ontario Competition, hosted in Toronto in May, offers a unique opportunity for top students to demonstrate that they are the best of the best in their field. Over the two and a half days, they amaze their educators, family, friends, and prospective employers, as they exhibit their skills, training, and abilities. In addition to contests, the Skills Ontario Competition has several components, including the Career Exploration Showcase, the Young Women's Conference, the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) Conference, and the Closing Ceremonies.
Winners are awarded with Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals and the opportunity to compete at the Skills Canada National Competition; some contests also include monetary awards. From there, some competitors move on to compete at a WorldSkills Competition.